
Content Marketing

What is Customer Engagement and Why It’s Important

September 25, 2019by Andrew Woods

what is customer engagement

Between your favorite social media platforms and the Google machine, internet surfers are inundated with content marketing. This makes it much more difficult for brands to stand out and make an impact. The challenge is for marketers to create content that reaches their target demographic and keeps them engaged. Having…

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Duckpin Named One of Top 20 Web Design Agencies

September 18, 2019by Andrew Woods

Agency Spotter Top Web Design Agency Badge Duckpin

This morning our Rollers received an early birthday gift (our 6th anniversary is next month) from Agency Spotter: Duckpin has been named one of the top 20 web designs globally by the digital services review site. How big of a deal is this? Well, according to Agency Spotter, its quarterly…

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